Texas Personal Injury Lawyer

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Accidents are unpredictable events that can completely derail your life. Victims of severe car accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, and other devastating mishaps face the burden of debilitating physical injuries and deep mental trauma. 

Most catastrophic accidents occur due to someone else’s negligent actions. If you or a loved one sustained injury from another person’s misconduct, a Texas personal injury lawyer with Domingo Garcia can help you obtain money for your losses, such as medical bills, prescription meds, therapy sessions, and more. 

We have successfully represented many personal injury cases, including catastrophic accidents, construction site accidents, slip and fall incidents, and wrongful deaths. Our legal team has the resources and expertise to handle every aspect of your claim or a lawsuit and hold the responsible party accountable for their actions.

Texas Personal Injury Lawyers Who Care for Victims

The area of personal injury law protects individuals who have suffered physical, emotional, reputational, or property damages from someone else’s careless actions. The purpose of personal injury law is to allow any accident victim to recover financial compensation for all the losses arising from the accident or incident that caused them harm. 

In Texas, as per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code Chapter 33, most personal injury victims can recover compensation. Texas follows modified comparative negligence rules, which means that the payment you collect will be reduced by the percentage of your fault. So, even if you share some fault for the injuries you suffered, as long as your share of fault is 50 percent or less, you have legal rights to receive a fair share of financial help.

A Texas personal injury lawyer with Domingo Garcia can explain your rights as a personal injury victim. Further, we fight to recover fair compensation for you from insurance companies even if they represent big corporations and deep-pocketed individuals who have more resources to protect their interests.

Our legal team will use our decade of experience to handle your claim from start-to-finish, and free you from the burden of navigating the intricate Texas legal system and claims process alone.  

Our Texas Personal Injury Attorney Handles Various Types of Personal Injury Cases

Many different types of accidents can lead to life-altering personal injuries in Texas. The personal injury attorneys at our firm serve clients from Houston to Dallas to Tyler and all the way to Odessa. Our wide range of personal injury clients from all over the state of Texas means we have seen all kinds of accidents from the people we represent. Some of these have included everything from car wrecks to product defects. 

The Domingo Garcia Law Office represents victims of various personal injury cases because we care for the people of Texas. We have the knowledge and understanding to help you in your time of crisis by handling all aspects of your legal case. 

Here are the common types of cases we typically manage in Texas: 

Car Accidents

Car accidents are some of the most common types of cases that result in personal injury claims or lawsuits. According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Texas recorded 15,764 serious injury crashes in 2021, in which 19,448 individuals suffered catastrophic injuries. That same year saw 4,489 fatalities from motor vehicle accidents. That means the fatality rate in recorded car crashes was over 28 percent in Texas. We know the Texas roads and highways are not safe with grim statistics like that. 

The most common causes of preventable car wrecks in Texas include: 

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether illegal or prescription
  • Aggressive driving practices such as tailgating, speeding, illegal turns, reckless lane changes, and running red lights
  • Distracted driving like texting and driving or not paying attention in traffic 
  • Automotive defects, including issues with seat belts, braking systems, or tires
  • Poor road surface conditions, whether from poor weather or excessive use 

A personal injury attorney from our firm can review your case and explain which damages you are eligible to recover. We can also help demonstrate the at-fault driver’s negligence that caused your injuries. In addition, we can determine if multiple people are responsible for your accident.

Motorcycle Accidents

Wide-open roads and the long, hot summer months make Texas an attractive destination for bikers to cruise through the Lone Star state on motorcycles. But unfortunately, it just takes one distracted driver’s reckless actions to cause even the most skilled veteran rider injuries in a collision.

Since motorcyclists do not have the same protections as drivers in four-wheeled vehicles, riders involved in these collisions tend to face life-threatening injuries and even death. In 2020, there were 7,481 motorcycle collisions in Texas. From those collisions, 1,856 motorcyclists suffered severe injuries, and 482 were killed. Although we know the roads are not the safest place, here are the most common reasons for motorcycle crashes in Texas:

  • Cars making left turns without noticing the oncoming motorcycle
  • Drivers engaging in unsafe lane changes, for example, changing lanes without checking blind spots or turning on the indicators
  • Speeding or reckless driving practices, such as following too closely or making an abrupt stop, resulting in a rear-end collision
  • Dangerous road conditions, including slippery surfaces, large potholes, and loose gravel

If you or a loved one is a motorcycle accident victim in Texas, Domingo Garcia Law Office can give your family experienced and relentless legal representation that can help pursue fair compensation for your losses. 

Truck Accidents

Texas comprises 16 interstate highways and 45 US highways. Due to Texas’s location on major trucking routes, motorists regularly share the roads and highways with hundreds of commercial trucks transporting cargo throughout the state and country. Because of their massive size and weight (a semi-truck weighs between 2,000 to 80,000 lbs.; it is 20 to 30 times heavier than a passenger vehicle), collisions involving trucks can cause motorists devastating injuries such as TBI, spinal injuries, internal bleeding, and fractures. 

According to TxDOT, there were 32,580 commercial motor vehicle crashes, with 580 fatalities and 1,245 suspected serious injuries. Some common truck accident cases our law firm has represented include: 

  • Delivery truck accidents
  • Jackknife accidents 
  • Runaway trailer crashes 
  • Truck accidents involving maintenance issues or defective component
  • Rollover accidents 
  • Head-on collisions 
  • Accidents involving a tire blowout 
  • Underride collisions 
  • Accidents involved unsecured or lost load 
  • T-bone collisions 

If you or a loved one has sustained serious injuries due to the reckless actions of a truck driver, the Domingo Garcia Law Office can help you seek compensation from all potentially liable parties, including the trucking company.

Construction Accidents

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 5,333 workers died on the worksite in 2019. About 20 percent of those workers were in the construction industry. Further, according to the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), the construction industry constituted the highest fatalities in any public or private sector, with 127 incidents in 2020, representing 27 percent of total worker fatalities in Texas. 

These are the four leading causes of most fatal construction accidents, as per OSHA: 

  • Falls: Lack of fall protection equipment on elevated structures, perimeter, and floor protection.
  • Being struck by an object: People workers are struck by falling, rolling, flying, or swinging objects, such as unsecured building materials or tools, and they can suffer severe injuries on construction sites. 
  • Electrocution: Encountering unsecured overhead power lines or using ungrounded or uninsulated portable electric tools, or lack of ground-fault circuit interrupters.
  • Being trapped between equipment: People getting trapped between moving and fixed objects or equipment or in an unprotected trench or excavation. 

Other causes of construction accidents include faulty equipment, large trucks and machinery like cranes, lack of safety equipment such as goggles and gloves, not following proper safety regulations, and improperly lifting heavy objects. 

Our personal injury lawyers in Texas are here for you if you or a loved one has sustained construction accident injuries. We can determine who is at fault for your injuries. It may be contractors, equipment manufacturers, building architects, property managers, electricians, and designers. No matter the case, we can find out who owes you fair compensation.

Oil Field Accidents and Injuries

Texas is the leading crude oil-producing state in the US, accounting for 42.7 percent of total crude oil production. It is a physically demanding and fast-paced job, placing drilling rig workers and other crew members at risk of sustaining debilitating injuries through no fault of their own. 

The upstream oil and gas industry has one of the highest rates of severe injuries. Accidents can leave oil field workers with serious injuries such as hearing and vision loss, amputated limbs, bone fractures, TBIs, lacerations and puncture wounds, and severe burns. 

We have numerous cases involving oil field workers in Texas that were injuries due to: 

If you have been injured while working in an oilfield or within the oil field industry, we can help you seek compensation through a personal injury claim. 

Workplace Injuries

Sustaining injuries on the job can leave you with significant medical bills and unable to work. According to TDI, there were 178,600 non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers in Texas during 2020, out of which 39 percent of workers sustained severe injuries that resulted in days away from work. 

The occupations that constitute the most worker injury incidents in Texas include:

  • Construction and extraction workers 
  • Transportation and material moving workers
  • Health practitioners 
  • Building and grounds cleaning workers 
  • Installation, maintenance, and repair workers
  • Production workers

We have overseen many personal injury claims involving workers injured in their workplace because of slip and fall accidents, transportation accidents, contact with unprotected or dangerous machinery or objects, and overexertion. 

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries while performing your job task, we can help you file a personal injury claim. We can fight for you against a non-subscriber employer or a third party, such as a property manager, an at-fault driver, or manufacturers of toxic substances or defective products.

The compensation we can help you recover may allow you to rebound financially from the injury that may have caused a substantial impact on you and your family’s life. 

Slip and Fall Accidents

According to National Floor Safety Institute, slip and fall accidents account for over 1 million emergency room visits yearly. Sometimes these falls result from the property owners not taking the necessary steps to keep their premises safe. Slip and fall accidents can cause debilitating injuries such as TBI, hip fractures, and broken bones. 

Common causes of slip and fall accidents in Texas include: 

  • Wet or uneven floors
  • Poor lighting
  • Faulty railings
  • Loose rugs or broken tiles
  • Cluttered aisles 
  • Lack of signage warning of potential dangers 

If you or a loved one have suffered severe injuries from a slip and fall accident at a commercial or residential property, and the incident occurred due to the property owner’s negligence, we can help. Our Texas personal injury attorneys can help you attain monetary compensation from the liable party through a premise liability claim. 

Defective Products

When we purchase a product, we take it for granted that it will be safe to use. However, when manufacturers create defective products, the consumers can sustain severe injuries and even death. Product defects occur due to many reasons, such as a company racing to release a product without validating its safety.

Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 82.001 states that you can hold liable product manufacturers or sellers accountable with a “products liability action.” With this legal action, you only have to demonstrate that the product that caused harm is defective; you do not have to prove the defendant’s intent. 

Texas separates defective products into three categories: 

  • Product design defects: The victim argues that the product’s design is flawed; it will still be defective when manufactured precisely adhering to its design. 
  • Manufacturing defects: In a manufacturing defect claim, the victim asserts that the defect occurred due to an error during the manufacturing or production process, which may have been intentional or unintentional. 
  • Missed or inadequate warning labels: In this category, the victim asserts that the manufacturer did not provide sufficient instructions or warnings about the dangers associated with using the product. 

If a defective product injured you with a flawed design, error during manufacturing, or inadequate warnings, we could help secure compensation from product manufacturers responsible for your injuries. We can also investigate your case to determine if other potential defendants may hold liability, such as retailers, wholesale distributors, and the designer of the defective product. 

Wrongful Death

Catastrophic injuries can sometimes prove fatal. When someone passes away from debilitating injuries sustained during a horrifying motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, or another accident, the survivors can sue the liable party for wrongful death

According to Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §. 71.004, a wrongful death lawsuit can be pursued by the surviving spouse, children, and the decedent’s parents for the defendant’s wrongful act, carelessness, neglect, unskillfulness, or default. 

If you have lost a loved one from the negligence or misconduct of another, Domingo Garcia can help you obtain a wrongful death settlement from those responsible. 

Pedestrian Accidents

If you or a loved one was in a pedestrian accident, you may be facing costly and invasive medical treatment, a long recovery, and an array of injury-related financial losses. If your accident was not your fault, paying for your medical care and other damages should not come out of your pocket.

Statute of Limitations for Texas Personal Injury Victims

You generally only have two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit in Texas. So, if you or a loved one are suffering from a personal injury, whether a car accident on Texas roadways, a product defect, or a construction accident, we are here to help. A personal injury attorney from our firm can help you decide the right action plan for your personal injury lawsuit in Texas.

Texas Personal Injury with Catastrophic Injuries

Severe accidents can cause victims to suffer crippling injuries that can create setbacks in every facet of their lives, from physical to financial. Our firm has advocated for victims impacted by catastrophic injuries such as: 

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries stem from a sudden blow, bump, or jolt to the head, disrupting the brain’s normal functioning. It can also be caused by a foreign object entering the skull and harming the brain. It is the leading cause of death and disability in the US. 

The CDC states that falls and motor vehicle crashes are two common ways a person may sustain a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the accident’s severity, the victim may face mild, moderate, or severe TBI. On the most severe side of the TBI scale, victims may have paralysis, vision loss, loss of fine motor skills, experience trouble while talking, walking, or swallowing, and difficulty with memory or maintaining relationships. 

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are some of the most catastrophic injuries a person can sustain from an accident. SCI result from damage to the vertebrae, ligament, disk, or spinal cord. 

Damage to the spinal cords can cause permanent neurological deficits. The location on the spinal cord where the injury happened and the severity of the injury will influence whether the SCI sufferer can feel or move their limbs. SCI can result in paraplegia, which affects the trunk, legs, and pelvis, or quadriplegia, which may affect arms, hands, legs, trunk, and pelvis organs. 

They can result from an external physical impact that inflicts a sudden blow to the spine that fractures, crushes, dislocates, or compresses the vertebrae. Motorcycle accidents and falls are the main contributors to SCI. 


A traumatic amputation refers to a loss of body parts such as legs, arms, feet, fingers, ears, or nose because of an accident or injury. Amputations can cause complications such as severe blood loss, stroke, cardiac arrest, wound infection, blood clots, and phantom limb pain.

Many accidental amputations are sustained in workplace accidents involving machinery, motor vehicle crashes, caught-in-between accidents, or electrocutions. In addition, dangerous products, such as defective lawn mowers or electric saws, can cause amputations.

Amputations make victims’ lives physically challenging while also affecting their self-image and emotional and mental well-being.

Burn Injuries

A body part severely burned from an accident can cause tissue damage, permanent scar, excruciating pain, and even death. Catastrophic burns can result from inhaling toxic fumes, using defective products, exposure to temperatures higher than 115°F, structural fires, gas explosions, and electricity from faulty wiring. 

Burns are classified into four categories. First- and second-degree burns may be easy to recover from, but a third-degree burn is considered severe as it impacts the tissue underneath. Fourth-degree burns are the most damaging to the victims, as they injure the underlying tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and even bones of the region affected. 

If you have suffered a catastrophic injury mentioned above, or another type of injury that is not listed, it is critical to remember that you do not have to face the financial burden yourself. The individual or entity responsible for all your suffering can be held legally responsible for their negligence and be required to compensate you for your losses through a personal injury claim. 

Recover Your Damages with Our Texas Personal Injury Law Firm

In personal injury cases, the purpose of monetary compensation is to help make the victim whole again after sustaining injuries from another party’s negligence. Recovering from catastrophic injuries typically involves several thousands of dollars in medical treatments, which can burden a victim. 

Additionally, victims also must suffer through immense pain and emotional trauma. While money cannot undo the repercussions of a catastrophic accident, collecting damages helps diminish the financial burden arising from the injuries. 

Our personal injury attorneys in Texas can examine your case to determine which losses you will be able to recuperate, and we can also help calculate the total value of your case. 

In Texas, here are the categories of damages you may recover: 

Economic Damages in Personal Injury Cases

This category pertains to quantifiable monetary losses after an accident. Economic damages include: 

  • Hospital visits and stays 
  • Medical treatments
  • Surgeries
  • Prescription medications 
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation 
  • Lab tests 
  • Imaging scans such as X-rays and MRIs
  • Ambulance costs 
  • Wheelchairs, hearing aids, prosthetics, and other medical devices 
  • Assisted living care or household help 
  • Out-of-pocket expenses 
  • Lost income and benefits
  • Diminished future earning capacity 
  • Properly damages 
  • Any modifications made to the vehicle or home to accommodate a disability from the accident, such as installation of ramps or other handicap aids 

Our team will gather various pieces of data such as medical bills, income stubs, and other receipts to glean the full range of economic losses you have suffered in the accident. We may also consult medical and vocational experts to determine how much the injury will impact you in the future, so it can be accurately reflected in the total compensation we will procure from the liable insurance. 

Non-Economic Damages in Personal Injury Cases

This category refers to a range of losses that are subjective and non-monetary. These include: 

  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental distress
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Scarring and disfigurement 
  • Amputation of a body part or loss of a bodily function 
  • Diminished quality of life 
  • PTSD, depression, or anxiety 
  • Mobility loss or paralysis 

Non-economic damages are not easy to identify or quantify since these types of losses are intangible. But our legal team will rely on vast experience with similar cases to assign an accurate value to your non-economic losses. We may also source testimonies from a panel of experts to prove how your catastrophic injuries affect your personal, social, and professional life. 

Compensation for Punitive Damages in Texas

Most victims will only collect economic and non-economic damages. But in a small number of cases, the victim may also qualify to revive punitive damages. As per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §. 40.011(5), punitive or exemplary damages are awarded to punish the defendant’s gross negligence, malice, or fraud. 

In Texas, punitive damages awarded will not exceed an amount greater than:

  • twice the amount of economic damages; plus, an amount equal to non-economic damages up to a maximum of $750,000, or  
  • $200,000

Compensation for Wrongful Death in Texas

In Texas, surviving beneficiaries such as the deceased’s spouse, children, or parents can collect compensation for the survivor’s loss from the defendant. Damages available through a wrongful death action include: 

  • Decedent’s lost wages
  • Decedent’s medical and funeral expenses
  • Loss of benefits, such as pension 
  • Loss of potential inheritance due to sudden death 
  • Loss of services the decedent would have provided if alive
  • Loss of companionship, guidance, protection, and love from the deceased 
  • Loss of consortium 

Why Choose a Texas Personal Injury Lawyer with Domingo Garcia to Fight Your Case?

You are not legally required to retain the services of an attorney to file a claim or lawsuit. You may choose to handle the process on your own. But most victims who have suffered devastating injuries are already under substantial physical and mental pain trying to recover from the injuries. Trying to navigate the complex legal process in Texas can add additional challenges during an already emotionally demanding time.

Hiring a personal injury attorney to take over your claims process can improve your chance of obtaining an appropriate amount of compensation without delay. Our personal injury attorneys are well-versed with the laws within different types of cases under the broad umbrella of the personal injury domain. We will protect your rights every step of the way and build a strong, convincing claim for you. 

Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring the Domingo Garcia Law Office to help with your personal injury claim: 

  • We handle all types of personal injury cases: Attorney Domingo Garcia has over three decades of experience representing catastrophic injury victims throughout Texas. Each attorney in our team relentlessly advocates for the rights of injured victims and fights to bring the life-changing compensation required to move forward with their lives. 
  • We have a long history of million-dollar verdicts: Whether negotiating with insurance companies or presenting your case in court, our goal remains to secure a fair compensation amount that fully covers your legally compensable losses. We have an extensive record of winning our clients successful verdicts with million-dollar settlements: 
    • A $5 million settlement for the victim of a construction scaffold fall case who suffered several catastrophic injuries, including paralysis 
    • A $3 million settlement in a wrongful death settlement for a worker who was struck by an on-site machinery 
    • A $4 million settlement for a victim of a construction site accident caused by unstable scaffolding which rendered them quadriplegic 
    • A 4.350 million settlement of a fall accident victim who sustained severe injuries that left them paraplegic 
    • A $1.075 million settlement for a victim of an oilfield blowout incident 
  • We handle your claim or lawsuit from start to finish: Recovery is physically and mentally taxing. Our team has the expertise and resources to manage every step of your claims filing process so you can fully focus on healing and getting your life back on track. You can trust that we will: 
    • File and submit all required paperwork and documents within the deadline 
    • Locate and gather evidence and other assets that clearly demonstrate the defendant’s liability and your losses 
    • Identify the liable party and ensure if there may be multiple defendants who may hold fault for the accident 
    • Uncover the full range of damages you are facing and assign a value to each 
    • Skillfully negotiate with the liable insurance provider until our goal compensation is met 
    • Pursue better compensation with a lawsuit if the insurance company does not agree to a fair settlement 
  • We work on a contingency-fee basis: We handle all cases with no upfront cost. Instead of paying an hourly fee out-of-pocket in an already financially stressful time, you will only have to pay us a pre-agreed percentage of the settlement amount if our attorney wins your case 

Domingo Garcia – Your Texas Personal Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one is battling catastrophic injuries or if you have lost a loved one in a preventable accident that occurred from another’s misconduct, let Domingo Garcia fight and win fair compensation for you.

Financial obligations such as medical bills, medicine costs, and others can be stressful and soul-crushing to handle alone. Therefore, we will help you hold the ones responsible for your physical, emotional, and financial hardships accountable for their gross negligence and malice.

Reach out to one of our team members and schedule a free consultation with one of our Texas personal injury attorneys to talk about your case. Our initial meeting will allow us to verify your case’s potential, explain your rights and your legal options, and answer all the questions you may have for us. Call Domingo Garcia your Texas personal injury lawyer today.

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Meet Domingo

Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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