Work Injury Leads to Wrongful Death Settlement

Home » Work Injury Leads to Wrongful Death Settlement

Juan Rolan was killed during the scope of his employment. He was working near a crane boom that became unbalanced and collapsed. The work site accident led to the steel beams hoisting the crane to fall to the ground, with other debris, killing Juan.

The defendants in this case knew, or reasonably should have known that the crane boom was unreasonably dangerous and that it was unable to control the steel beams it was carrying. This work injury could have easily been prevented had proper precautions actually been taken.

This is one of the main reasons why we encourage anyone who has been injured on a work-site to not only complain, but also take full legal action. The only way these accidents are prevented is if you force a company to make changes. That is the primary purpose of personal injury lawsuits. Yes, we will recoup money damages at the same time, but we fundamentally want to see changes in some of these companies so people are not injured at work.

Attorney Domingo Garcia represented the Estate of Juan Rolan in a legal claim. Attorney Garcia was able to settle the families claim for $3,000,000. After all medical expenses, bills and attorney fees, the family received a check for $1,980,002.

While no amount of money can bring back a loved one, we can help make the legal process easier for you. We will make sure your family is able to hold those at-fault responsible for their negligence. We look forward to helping you navigate your situation.

Our Work Accident Attorneys Will Fight for You

If you were injured in a work accident, please call attorney Domingo Garcia for a free case evaluation. Our team of attorneys can review the details of your case to determine liability for your injury and help you collect financial compensation during this difficult time.

We work on a contingency fee basis, so there’s no cost to get started, and we get paid only if you win. To learn more, schedule a free case evaluation now.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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