How Long does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take?

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A motorcycle accident lawsuit can take several months or longer to resolve. It also depends on the severity of the situation and if it involves lawyers.

Our firm might be able to speed up the process in your case. For instance, we could prevent certain legal problems from coming up later in your case and stalling the case, and we can do more to help. If you consult with us, we’ll tell you much more.

How Long Will My Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Take to Resolve?

If you file a lawsuit against the liable driver or another liable party in your case, it could take several months or even a year to resolve the case. It could take even longer if your injuries are especially serious. For instance, if you have major limb fractures or any head trauma, it could take a long time. Some other factors could be:

  • Whether you’ve reached maximum medical improvement (MMI) from your injuries (If you haven’t, you may have to wait before you can pursue certain damages)
  • Whether you have many physical, financial, and other damages
  • Whether legal problems slow or stall your case, such as insufficient evidence 

A motorcycle accident lawyer from our firm can evaluate your situation and possibly give you an estimate of how long your lawsuit will take.

How Long does a Motorcycle Accident Case Take to Settle?

If you file an insurance claim instead of a lawsuit, it could take several weeks or longer to settle the case. This option may be better for you, but it depends on how many damages you have. If you have a great deal, you may not be able to recover all of them through the insurance claim, especially if the other driver’s insurance company typically doesn’t compensate for certain damages.

We can help you decide whether to file an insurance claim or a lawsuit in your accident case.

Can a Texas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Speed Up the Process?

Something else an attorney may be able to help with is speeding up the claims or legal process. There’s actually a lot your lawyer can do that could potentially speed the process up significantly.

For one, your lawyer will promptly start on your case after you hire them. This will get the process going right away and allow a lawyer to file a lawsuit sooner. Your lawyer can meet the deadline for an accident lawsuit in Texas which is two years from the accident date, per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003. This deadline also applies to wrongful death cases.

Furthermore, an attorney could prevent certain legal problems from coming up later in your case and stalling the case. For instance, they can:

  • Determine what your current damages are and anticipate what your future damages may be so you can recover these damages right away.
  • Evaluate your financial damages and give fair financial values to your intangible losses, such as your physical pain, so you can recover these damages promptly.
  • Support your lawsuit with sufficient evidence, such as traffic camera footage of the accident, event data recorder information from the at-fault driver’s vehicle, your medical bills, and more.
  • Establish liability (A lawyer can collect and prepare evidence and show how the other driver was negligent,)
  • Prepare arguments and appeals for negotiations with the insurer or judge, which can help prevent stalled negotiations. 
  • Negotiate with the insurer or judge on your behalf, which may prevent delays.
  • Prepare for litigation even if you’re not suing, which would help to speed up the litigation process if you and your lawyer decide to sue. 

What Damages Can I Get in My Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit or Claim?

You may have several damages you can get through a lawsuit or claim. These damages could include physical, financial, and other damages, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability and disfigurement
  • Medical expenses, including expenses for medicine, medical equipment, and any therapies
  • Property expenses, including expenses related to your vehicle
  • Employment income and benefits you’re losing
  • Income-earning ability loss
  • Other ability losses, such as loss in your ability to enjoy some activities
  • Mental and emotional anguish

Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

You may have lost a loved one in a tragic motorcycle accident. If this has happened to you, our firm is very sorry for your loss. We will help you recover wrongful death damages for your family through a lawsuit. Such damages could be:

  • Pain your loved one suffered
  • Medical expenses and other accident-related expenses 
  • Funeral and burial expenses 
  • Lost income and benefits
  • Your family’s mental and emotional anguish 
  • Loss of consortium 

Contact Us Today to Learn More About How Long a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Takes

Our firm may be able to speed up the process in your case and resolve it quickly. With over 35 years of experience and success, we can seek to resolve your case, just as we have for many clients like you. For instance, our Texas motorcycle accident lawyers recovered $3,000,000 for the victim of a motorcycle collision with a commercial vehicle. We’ve recovered many millions more for our other clients.

To learn more about our team and what we can do for you, call us today for a free consultation. If we take your case, our lawyer can work for you at no cost unless and until they recover compensation for you.

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