When you have been involved in a car accident you are flushed with so many concerns, and hiring the right attorney might be one. Making sure you hire the right attorney for your accident is very difficult to do when you are overwhelmed by the worries caused by the crash. However, hiring the right attorney is actually crucial. Oftentimes, victims of car accidents believe that they hired the wrong attorney. Because of that, Domingo Garcia offers free consultations to everyone who has been injured.
Car accident attorney Domingo Garcia’s has been representing accident victims for over 35 years! One of Domingo’s first legal victory happened in 1995 with a jury award his client, a car-accident victim, $1,100,000. As the years passed Domingo has surrounded himself with highest skilled and qualified legal team that recently recovered $4,000,000 for our client who wrongfully passed away from a bar and alcohol-related crash. In 2019, accident attorney Domingo Garcia earned a spot in the Texas Top 50 Settlement for 2019 With over 35 years of experience and considered one of the best car accident attorney’s, Domingo Garcia will ensure that all your worries, concerns, injuries and car damages are handled by a team solely dedicated to you. Let us deal with your problems and focus on your treatment and recovery to getting better.
At the Law Office at Domingo Garcia we specialize in personal injury and dedicate our time to fight for the rights of those who have been hurt or injured in a wreck. In the state of Texas, the law allows you to recover money from injuries and damages sustained in a car accident. Domingo has been fighting for the rights of the people for over 35 years. Demanding insurance companies take full responsibility of their negligent driver who injured our client. If you have been injured or hurt in an accident, the Law Office of Domingo Garcia will make sure you receive the proper medical examination and treatment. We offer free consultations and medical treatment until the case is won!

In fact, in the U.S. alone millions of people, every year are injured in car accidents. For most, these are life-changing experiences. It is for that reason, attorney Domingo Garcia firmly stood his ground and was awarded $3,750,000 for his client, a Dallas police officer was struck by a vehicle while directing traffic during the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade. Our client suffered serious injuries and consequently can no longer be able to serve and protect the community of Dallas, Texas. Car accident lawyer, Domingo Garcia is equipped with a highly skilled team that is dedicated to serve justice. If you or a loved one have been seriously hurt or injured in an accident call the Law Office of Domingo Garcia.
On numerous occasion people who’ve been in a car accident do not know what’s next. They are often left more worried about their car, who will repair the damages, how will I get to work than they are their well-being. Our number one priority is always the health and safety of our clients.
If you have recently suffered an injury from a car accident, we strongly encourage you seek medical attention and call accident attorney Domingo Garcia. Here’s are 5 tips everyone should follow after a car accident:
When involved in a car accident it is very important to be aware of your surroundings. If your car is moveable after the collision, consider moving it to a safe location. However, if the car is not moveable and after you check to see if you or anyone else in the vehicle is not hurt or injured, exit as safely as possible and distance yourself from the accident scene.
After car accidents, it is important to get police to the scene. The cops can navigate traffic and make sure there is not another accident that follows yours. Also, cops will investigate the scene and determine who is at fault. This is a very import factor in determining liability and ultimately will dictate your accident claim.
Anytime a car accident occurs, it is important to follow the previous steps. Try make sure the officer at the scene of the accident provides you with the at-fault driver’s insurance information. If possible, make sure to take as many photos as you can, call and inform their insurance company of the car accident, as well as your own. This will help jump start your claim process.
As mentioned before, car accidents are very scary and overwhelming times. Most people immediately start to worry about the damages to their car and many don’t realize what kind of toll their body took during the car accident. If you are experiencing any pain, headaches, soreness, neck stiffness and any other symptoms that are related it is important to contact your primary care physician, go to your local ER clinic and seek medical attention.
Visit the Law Office of Domingo Garcia. Our legal team will make sure to guide you through these difficult times. Our firm will make you a priority and get you the medical treatment that follows from an accident. Handle your property damage claim and get you into a rental car while your car’s damages are being taken care of. We will communicate with both insurance parties to ensure your car accident claim is being processed in a timely manner. Over all, car accident attorney Domingo Garcia and his team will fight for your rights!

People who have been involved in a car accident may not immediately experience any pain or discomfort. In fact, since the body is still in shock, you may not recognize the pain and injuries right away. Our attorneys have seen many cases where it has taken up to 48 hours for our clients to feel any pain or discomfort. Additionally, accidents can cause a variation of troubles, injuries, health issues. Depending on the severity of the impact here are some accident related injuries:
- Neck Injury: Better known as, Whiplash. This occurs when the body have been hit by extreme force during an impact cause by an accident. Essentially, the body absorbs the force jerking the spine and irritating the neck muscles.
- Lacerations, scrapes and internal bruises: Many things can happen to your body if you have been in an accident. Whether it is low impact fender bender, T-bone, or unfortunately one that is much more severe like roll overs, multiple car pile-up accident, widow shattering and more. There is no way to forecast what injuries your body has sustained. This is why we emphasize to get our client the medical attention they deserve. In the course of a car accident, it is critical to not ignore the symptoms of an injury.
- Closed-head injury / Head Trauma: Concussions, are the most common related injury due to crashes, wrecks, and accidents. The Law Office of Domingo Garcia works closely with medical facilities to ensure our clients are receiving the highest quality of treatment.We encourage you do not ignore the signs of head trauma. Here are a few:
- Sensitivity to light
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Blurry vision
- Fatigues Drowsiness
Injuries from car accidents vary. But if you have been in an auto-mobile collisions and are experiencing any of the symptoms listed. You are very likely to seek medical attention and acquire large bills you may not be able to pay. Domingo Garcia will make sure you aren’t stuck with those large nasty medical expenses. We’ll demand that the insurance companies fork up the money to cover any bills acquired. So give us a call. We provide FREE consultations and medical treatment until we win!
Hiring a firm like ours immediately puts you in a position of leverage. Domingo Garcia is a specialized car accident attorney. He has over 35 years of experience in protecting the rights of those who have been injured. Domingo’s name has grown to be respected and intimidating to insurance companies. A lawyer who will stand strong behind the principles that everyone is created equal. Someone who will take the time to explain your rights. This is how we help our clients by offering:
- FREE consultations: A large percentage of people who have gotten into a car accident do not know what follows. Domingo Garcia offers free consultations to people who have just been in a wreck. Yes, you read that right “FREE CONSULTATIONS”. If you have been recently injured call us now. We will answer all your questions and if we can’t help you we will point you to the right attorney who can.
- FREE Medical treatment: Some car accidents are minor and some are more severe. However, we treat every accident the same. We make the health and well-being of our clients the #1 priority. We understand that every collision makes take a toll on your body differently but do not take any chances. After hiring Domingo Garcia, we make sure the client are seen by a health specialist immediately and begin their road to recovery. You do not pay for a single medical bill until the case is won.
- Assessing Property Damages: After your accident, if your car is inoperable and in the shop to be fixed, we have a team of specialist who solely dedicate their time to guarantee the insurance company are held responsible for all damages. Our team will ensure your vehicle is on its way to being repaired and make sure you have a rental car so you aren’t left stranded. We worry about this so you can focus on getting better.
- Pain and suffering: Truth of the matter is some people are never the same after a car accident. The majority of those who were involved in a wreck usually are hurting and need medical treatment. However, Domingo Garcia just doesn’t stop there. He make’s sure the insurance companies and their driver are held accountable for any suffering that follows not just for the physical injuries but for psychological ones as well. After an accident, people tend to suffer from PTSD from the collision. Domingo Garcia doesn’t just settle on the first offer he makes sure to get you every dollar that is rightfully owed.
In some cases, a passenger may potentially file a claim for injuries sustained in a car accident. A third-party injury claim can be filed against the driver of the vehicle you were hurt in. As a passenger in an accident, you are entitled to seek help for your injuries. However, every situation is different. For instance, if you were a passenger in a vehicle where the driver of the car was driving recklessly and crashed. Passengers, then can file a third-party injury claim against the “at-fault” driver’s insurance company. When scenario like this occurs, many injured passengers are usually afraid to take this route. For the reason of knowing the driver personally and afraid of getting them in trouble. BUT, this is not accurate. In fact, this is exact reason why we pay for car insurance.
If another car was involved in the collision. Most attorneys would file a claim against the second car’s insurance company in which we refer to as 3rd party. However, you have the option to file a claim on the second driver’s insurance (3rd party), the insurance company of the vehicle you were a driver in (1st party) or both.
Attorney Domingo Garcia has spent his whole career specializing in juries caused in car accidents. Surrounded by a highly trained and qualified team around him, he will make sure every options is explored and exhausted for all of our clients.
Attorney Domingo Garcia strongly believes in educating his clients on “The Law”. Here are a few lawful claims to pursue when involved in an accident:
- Property Damages (PD): When involved in a wreck this claim is associated with fixing and restoring the damages to your car after the accident. No need to worry! We have a dedicated department to guarantee the insurance companies fix your vehicle.
- Bodily Injury (BI): Car accidents and bodily injuries go hand in hand. This claim allows you to seek for compensation for any injuries you suffered.
- Personal Injury Protections (PIP): This coverage is required by Texas state law that insurance companies extend the offer. PIP will cover a portion of costs caused by the automobile crash.
Nonetheless, determining liability for a car accident can be difficult and troublesome. This is why at the Law Office of Domingo Garcia we assign you a dedicated team to your case to handle the heavy lifting while you focus on your recovery.
Liability Coverage
When operating a vehicle in the state of Texas, it is mandatory for drivers to be covered by the states minimum policy limits. In which Texas it’s set at $30,000.00. Within this coverage there are two elements:
- Bodily Injury liability: Covers the cost associated to injuries inflicted on a person if you were to crash into them.
- Property damage liability: Covers the damages caused to another person’s property.
Uninsured / Under-Insured Motorist
Uninsured motorist covers you when you are in a car wreck with someone who does not have any coverage. The extent of the coverage varies state by state.
Under-insured motorist coverage is when the at-fault driver has insurance but the liability limits within that coverage is not enough to take care of any medical bills resulting from the injuries sustained in the collision. Under-insured coverage will them take care of the remaining balance.
Personal Injury Protection
PIP will ensure you are paid for any injuries resulting from your automobile crash. This type of protection varies from state to state so it is encouraged to ask your insurance company if this is even offered.
GAP Coverage
This type of coverage is only offered on new vehicles. If you are to get into an accident and total your car GAP will step in and pay the remaining balance owed that the insurance company did not cover. This also applies for if it were stolen.
There are many variables that play a role into car insurance rate increases after accidents. In fact, car insurance rates are well calculated predictions. All of the variables are based on the data they have collected to determine how you are measured as a risk factor to the insurer.
As a matter of fact, insurance companies take into consideration where you live, age, gender, driving record, vehicle type and then determine the cost and risk you are to insure. Keep in mind, each and every state decides their own rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are usually influenced by mandatory policy limits, difference in living costs, population size, climate conditions and much more.
In addition, each factors are measured differently. Your car insurances rates could quite possibly shoot up or be reduced when any of the risk factors shift. For instance, depending on where you live and the data collected for that particular region. Insurers can decide the cost of risk you are associated with the amount of accidents, criminal activities, population, damaging weather and more. If you live in an area that has a high risk of the variables mentioned, it is safe to say you can anticipate to pay higher car insurance rate.
If you have been in a car accident it is your right to explore the possibilities in filing a claim with your insurer. Regardless of the outcome, insurance rates are not solely dictated by car accidents. Domingo Garcia believes his clients are entitled to know the truth. Call car accident attorney Domingo Garcia if you or a loved one has been hurt or injured in wreck.
Hiring a firm like ours immediately puts you in a position of leverage. Domingo Garcia is a specialized car accident attorney. He has over 35 years of experience in protecting the rights of those who have been injured. Domingo’s name has grown to be respected and intimidating to insurance companies. A lawyer who will stand strong behind the principles that everyone is created equal. Someone who will take the time to explain your rights. This is how we help our clients by offering:
- FREE consultations: A large percentage of people who have gotten into a car accident do not know what follows. Domingo Garcia offers free consultations to people who have just been in a wreck. Yes, you read that right “FREE CONSULTATIONS”. If you have been recently injured call us now. We will answer all your questions and if we can’t help you we will point you to the right attorney who can.
- FREE Medical treatment: Some car accidents are minor and some are more severe. However, we treat every accident the same. We make the health and well-being of our clients the #1 priority. We understand that every collision makes take a toll on your body differently but do not take any chances. After hiring Domingo Garcia, we make sure the client are seen by a health specialist immediately and begin their road to recovery. You do not pay for a single medical bill until the case is won.
- Assessing Property Damages: After your accident, if your car is inoperable and in the shop to be fixed, we have a team of specialist who solely dedicate their time to guarantee the insurance company are held responsible for all damages. Our team will ensure your vehicle is on its way to being repaired and make sure you have a rental car so you aren’t left stranded. We worry about this so you can focus on getting better.
- Pain and suffering: Truth of the matter is some people are never the same after a car accident. The majority of those who were involved in a wreck usually are hurting and need medical treatment. However, Domingo Garcia just doesn’t stop there. He make’s sure the insurance companies and their driver are held accountable for any suffering that follows not just for the physical injuries but for psychological ones as well. After an accident, people tend to suffer from PTSD from the collision. Domingo Garcia doesn’t just settle on the first offer he makes sure to get you every dollar that is rightfully owed.