Texas 2-year-old wanders into backyard, drowns in pool

Home » Texas 2-year-old wanders into backyard, drowns in pool

pool | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

In Texas, there are over 500,000 swimming pools, making drowning in a swimming pool a year-round concern for parents.

Swimming pool drownings are most common in younger children, especially kids under the age of 2. According to Texas DFPS, in Texas, in 2021 there were 77 fatal child drownings and it is estimated at least 8 times that number of non-fatal drownings. This is freighting for any parent or family member, especially if the accident could have been prevented by the homeowner or landlord.

A property with a swimming pool on the grounds is required to follow specific Texas laws to remove anything that can be dangerous, and clearly mark hazards.

If you have been injured in a swimming pool accident you need the best Fort Worth swimming pool injury attorney. Attorney Domingo Garcia has filed claims for many victims of swimming pool injuries throughout Texas, and may be able to assist you and your family in recovering damages.

A toddler in the Fort Worth area wandered into a backyard and drowned in a pool.

KWTX News Houston
By CBS DFW Staff

A two-year-old girl drowned after wandering into her backyard and getting into the swimming pool.

It happened on Monday, Sept. 20 just before 3:30 p.m. at a home on Wyndrook near Crowne Pointe Lane.

According to police, a neighbor called 911 to report the drowning. The girl was taken to a nearby hospital but later died.

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Meet Domingo

Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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