Dallas Injury Lawyer Domingo Garcia Announces Posada 2021 Winners

Home » Dallas Injury Lawyer Domingo Garcia Announces Posada 2021 Winners

2021 Dallas TX | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

Thank you to everyone for participating in this year’s Posada donation giveaway. We had so many replies this year that it is taking me some time to review all of the answers and select all of the winners.

With so many replies it is easy to see how much difficulty many of our people are facing this holiday season. It is clear that Christmas is not always easy for many of us, and this is one of the reasons I like to host this Posada donation each year. I know many of us suffer, but it is my hope that through these stories we can all gain some inspiration to keep pushing forward.

Domingo Garcia and all of the attorneys and lawyers at the Law Office of Domingo Garcia wish you and your family a safe and happy Christmas. If you find yourself needing legal help during Christmas you can call attorney garcia 24/7 at (214) 941-8300.

Here Are the Posada 2021 Dallas Winners

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Miguel was nominated by his daughter Maria. He lost his wife to Covid earlier this year and has remained the strong support system of his family. Despite many struggles he continues to carry forward with strong determination.

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Juan’s father was recently in an accident leaving him paralyzed. Unable to work it has been difficult on the family. Juan is a college student, this money will help his family with rent.

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Erika nominated her family. They were kicked out of their apartment six-months ago because they are struggling with rent and work. This money will assist them in getting back on their feet.

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Crystal’s father is in need of a liver transplant. His health is suffering and recently all money has been spent on his health bills. This donation will help Crystal and her family have a bit of a normal Christmas.

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Meet Domingo

Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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