Domingo Garcia Calls for Hate Crime Charges to Be Filed

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With the rhetoric coming out of the Whitehouse on a daily basis, it is no surprise attacks against Latino’s is on the rise. That is why when cases like this come to our attention we ask that Hate Crime charges be added to the list of crimes committed.

In this case Domingo Garcia and Joe Henry, president of LULAC’s Des Moines branch, are now calling for Hate Crime charges to be added to the list of crimes. A 14-year old was run over, as well as another 12-year old. The person who did this said it was because she hates Latinos.

How much more clear cut can hate be?

LULAC Calls for Hate Crime Charges to be Added

Desmoines Register
By Marc Ramirez

Henry said he hoped that the principal at Indian Hills Junior High School in Clive, where the girl was going Dec. 9 when she was struck in a crosswalk, would have a talk with students about racism and try to educate them about white supremacy.

“We’re concerned about the impact this is having on our young people. It’s just never-ending. It’s ongoing, and we know what it goes back to.”

Last year, in the wake of the politicization of Tibbetts’ murder, LULAC helped fund billboards promoting unity and diversity.

“We’ve always been a state of diversity and it’s something we’ve been encouraging the governor and city councils to talk more about,” Henry said.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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