KFOX14: Texas voting bill put on pause after Dems walk out of legislative session

Home » KFOX14: Texas voting bill put on pause after Dems walk out of legislative session

voting rights | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

This effort by the Republicans to make voting burdensome for vulnerable populations is being masked under the idea of “voter security.” What is never discussed is that our elected officials had already approved previous voting measures; no one was questioning the security of elections until it became a ripe political issue for some.

In life you have many options and protest is a part of that. These legislators made the right  decision by getting the brakes put on this legislation. If the Governor knew he had the will of the people behind him he would have already called a special session.

The reality is that those making a stink about ‘voter security’ right now, know full well that the bill would be found unconstitutional and struck down. Their effort at putting this forward was to drive fear in people; whether it passes is not their concern.

Which is why we need to all continue to have presence in communities, and stay united in the work, so that when it comes time to turn out to the polls we are all ready and united to do just that.

‘entirely possible that in El Paso 10 to 20 percent of seniors would not be eligible to vote’

K Fox 14
By Alyssa Bethencourt

“We know that it’s unconstitutional and it was really just created to not let brown and black people vote like everybody else,” said Ft. Worth attorney Domingo Garcia, the national president of The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

One by one, democrats left the house chamber until there was no longer the 100-member quorum needed to pass Senate Bill 7.

The bill would place new limitations against voting by mail, drive-through voting, and ballot drop-off locations. All these provisions helped to produce a record turnout of Latino and Black voters in 2020.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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