Why Hire Attorney Domingo Garcia To Handle Your Slip & Fall Case?

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slip and fall accident | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

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Hire the Best Attorney for your Slip & Fall Accident

In Texas, property owners have a responsibility to keep their property fee of any dangers to guests. If you suffer an injury because of a fall caused on a dangerous property, you may have what is called a “slip and fall” accident. In these cases, the defendant may try to claim that your injuries were your fault, and because of your negligence.

At the very least, Texas property owners have a duty to inform you of any possible risks on their property. This is why you will see “wet floor” signs in many stores when they are cleaning the floors. If the property owner takes the proper precautions, the idea is that your slip & fall accident could have been prevented.

Slips and falls can cause serious injuries that lead to large medical bills, lost pay from work, and pain and suffering. If you sustained severe injuries or your loved one was killed in a slip and fall accident in Texas, it will be in your best interest to avoid speaking to any insurance company until you have legal representation.

Slip and fall accidents are not just about slipping on wet floors, it can include things like uneven walking surfaces, holes or floor openings, potholes, misplaced carpeting or loose floorboards, trashed or cluttered entryways, faulty starways, or other weather conditions like ice and snow. There are many hazards that can lead to a slip & fall injury, however regardless of the complexity of your case, attorney Domingo Garcia can help you navigate the process.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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