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Texas Product Liability Attorney

Home » Texas Product Liability Attorney

Attorney Domingo Garcia is a personal injury attorney fighting for the rights of Texas injury victims | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

If you were injured after safely using a faulty product, you have legal options. Our Texas product liability lawyers can file your claim against a negligent manufacturer and request full and fair compensation in a claim. Please contact attorney Domingo Garcia today at 214-941-8300 for a free consultation.

We hold manufacturers responsible

A product liability lawyer holds manufacturers responsible for any harm caused by a possible defective product. Despite stringent government regulations and industry standards, dangerous products injure people every day.

The makers of products often have their own profits at the front of their minds. However, manufacturers also have a responsibility to create safe and usable products. When they fail in this duty and sell a defective product, they are liable through a product liability lawsuit.

Types of Product Defects

A product may be considered defective due to flaws in manufacturing, errors in design, or defects in marketing materials and instructions. Some products have multiple defects which make them dangerous for use by the public and in an industrial setting.

  • Design Defect: There was a design defect and an alternative design would have been safer.
  • Marketing Defect: There was a marketing defect, such as a failure to warn a consumer about a risk.
  • Manufacturing Defect: There was a manufacturing defect in which the item was assembled incorrectly or poorly prior to selling.

As you can imagine proving such a claim on your own can be an tremendous feat to overcome. In many claims, expert testimony and evidence will be necessary to prove an item is defective. If you or a loved one has been harmed or killed by a defective product, do not hesitate to reach out for a free and full consultation.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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