Common Truck Accident Injuries in Texas

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Among the most common truck accident injuries in Texas are traumatic brain injuries, neck and back injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, severe burns, and fatal injuries. When a large truck and a passenger vehicle collide, the driver and passengers of the smaller vehicle are susceptible to severe injuries. 

If you or someone you love suffered any of these injuries after a truck accident, our Texas truck accident lawyer can help you maximize your financial compensation. Your lawyer will identify all at-fault parties aggressively, investigate the wreck and collect all of the evidence to prove negligence and responsibility. They will also negotiate a fair settlement with the at-fault party and their insurance provider. If the insurance company fails to offer a fair settlement, your case will be prepared for trial and our experienced truck accident trial attorneys will take your case before a jury to make sure you receive full and complete compensation for your losses.

Commonly Suffered Injuries in a Texas Truck Accident Case

The medical costs of a truck accident involving injury in Texas can vary greatly based on the injury’s extent and severity. The experienced truck accident lawyer at Domingo Garica who builds your case will request all medical records, bills, and future prognoses related to your truck accident injuries.   The lawyer will obtain testimony from your doctors and experts to prove your injuries and the long-term effect they will have on your life.

Some common truck accident injuries in Texas include: 

Traumatic Brain Injuries

If you sustain a truck accident injury that includes any degree of traumatic brain injury (TBI), you could require pain, anti-seizure, and coma-inducing medications. A TBI can range from a concussion to permanent intellectual disabilities. Some cases will require physical, speech, and occupational therapies. Severe cases may also require lifelong special education and support in managing routine daily activities. 

At Domingo Garcia Law Firm, our experienced truck accident lawyers have relationships with specialized brain injury doctors like neurologists, neuropsychologists, and neuro-radiologists who will help prove not only the injury but how the injury will impair your life and work over your lifetime. 

Neck and Back Injuries

Neck and back injuries you sustain in a truck accident involving injury in Texas can include whiplash, shoulder dislocations, and chronic upper or lower back pain. These injuries can limit your range of motion and mobility. They can require ongoing pain control and management, physical therapy, and surgery.

Our truck accident lawyers will ensure that you receive treatment from a highly qualified doctor, therapists, and, when necessary, surgeons to treat your back and neck injuries.  If you do not have health insurance, we work with medical providers and specialists that will not require you to pay their bills until we win you a financial settlement.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The care required to treat injuries to your spine will depend on many factors. An injury that leads to temporary immobility or paralysis can require long-term medical, rehabilitative, and therapeutic care. An injury that leads to permanent paralysis can require lifelong care including in-home medical assistance and domestic support. 

In these catastrophic personal injury cases, we work with highly specialized experts called life care planners to develop a life care plan to make sure you receive all money necessary to provide the care and treatment necessary for a spinal cord injury. 

Broken Bones

Broken bones are among the most common truck accident injuries. Treating broken bones results in costly expenses such as casting and assistive medical devices. These can include canes, crutches, walking boots, and wheelchairs. Complicated cases can result in surgery, including inserting supportive metal structures that promote healing. 

Severe Burns

Truck accident victims can suffer severe gas, chemical, or electrical burns depending on the truck’s cargo or whether a gas tank is ruptured during the wreck. Burn treatment can include pain and anxiety medications, lifelong protective dressings, antibiotics, breathing support, skin grafts, and repeated plastic surgeries. 

Texas Is Number One in Fatal Truck Accidents

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) research cites Texas as the leading U.S. state for fatal truck accidents with 622 truck fatalities in 2020. The overwhelming majority of these accidents resulted in fatalities to the drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles. 

The disparity in size, height, and weight means vehicle occupants are also more likely to suffer serious, catastrophic, and potentially life-threatening injuries. A truck accident attorney can help you recover appropriate compensation.

Compensation for Injuries You Sustain in a Texas Truck Accident

The state of Texas requires you to prove the at-fault party’s negligence before seeking compensation. The lawyer who represents you will fight to recover the following damages:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Property damage
  • Property destruction
  • Lasting disability
  • Physical disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Every case is different, and you may have additional recoverable damages that are unique to your case. If a truck accident led to fatal injuries for a loved one, your family can recover a range of wrongful death damages. Your lawyer will fight to recover the costs of your loved one’s funeral and burial expenses and your family’s loss of their financial and familial support. 

You Have a Limited Amount of Time to Seek Truck Accident Compensation in Texas

You are allowed to recover damages for your truck accident injuries if you do so by following Texas laws. If an acceptable financial settlement cannot be negotiated, you should file your personal injury lawsuit within two years, per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003

Similarly, you should file your family’s wrongful death lawsuit within two years. Do not wait to get a lawyer on your side. They will ensure you interpret the filing deadline correctly and file your lawsuit on time. 

Get Help Recovering Damages for Your Truck Accident Injuries in Texas

If you or someone you love suffered one or more of the common truck accident injuries in an accident in Texas, our law firm will pursue monetary recovery on your behalf. Our team passionately advocates for our injured clients. 

Contact our consultation team at Domingo Garcia to get started with a no-cost, no-obligation case review today.

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Meet Domingo

Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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