When Do I need To Hire an Accident Attorney?

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Houston TX accident attorney | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

It may not be true that you need an attorney after every car accident, but it is recommended that you get a free attorney consultation after a car accident. It is possible you will not need to hire an attorney after your accident, but you probably want a trained, experienced accident lawyer answering that question for you.

To remove any confusion on your part in deciding when you need to hire an accident attorney, here are some scenarios. If any of these apply to your situation you definitely should sign up for a free consultation right now:

  • Is your long-term health affected? Do you have any broken bones? Did you require a hospital stay?
  • A person was killed in the accident;
  • You suffered permanent or serious injury;
  • You are not sure about your rights;
  • Your medical costs from the accident were over $2,500;
  • You were forced to miss more than a couple of days of work, school or other obligations;
  • There is an ongoing dispute regarding whose fault the accident was;
  • There were multiple people (maybe passengers) involved and hurt in the accident;
  • The auto accident happened in a construction zone or other commercial zone;
  • Your insurance company is not on your side or you suspect the insurance adjuster is acting in bad faith;
  • If your insurance company hires a lawyer;
  • Is there a problem with the police report? Or other documentation. Any inaccuracies need to be cleared up with an attorney.
  • If you have suffered non-economic damages like emotional trauma, pain and suffering and other harms
  • If multiple parties were involved in the accident; an attorney will need to track down all of the insurance companies and hold each accountable.

Remember, once you sign off on an agreement with the insurance company, you will never have a chance to seek more money ever again.

We understand that much of what occurs after an accident can be confusing. That is why we don’t suggest that you try to handle it all on your own. Instead, contact The Law Offices of Domingo Garcia today to begin the process and to protect your rights

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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