New York Times: Domingo Garcia Responds to Gov. Abbott “It’s illegal, unconstitutional and immoral”

Home » New York Times: Domingo Garcia Responds to Gov. Abbott “It’s illegal, unconstitutional and immoral”

immigration reform | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

Each time you hear anyone from the State of Texas talk about immigration, or issues with immigrants, you should realize that it is just said in an effort to distract you from another, very real, issue.

For example, right now everyone should be focused on ERCOT and how they are operating our power infrastructure. We do not even know if we can bring the AC down below 78 yet, and the Governor wants to allocated nearly $250 million to fix a problem that his state does not have authority to address.

It’s illegal, Unconstitutional and Immoral

The New York Times
By Edgar Sandoval

But whoever wins the election won’t have jurisdiction to enforce immigration laws, which are the sole responsibility of the federal government, said Domingo Garcia, the president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, one of the oldest Latino civic organizations in the nation.

“It’s illegal, unconstitutional and immoral,” Mr. Garcia said.

His organization and other advocacy groups said legal challenges were likely, should Mr. Abbott push forward. And in Democratic circles, the plan was mocked and condemned. In a tweet, Sawyer Hackett, a party strategist, referenced the epic winter storm that left more than 150 Texans dead and collapsed the state’s power grid, plunging millions of Texans into brutally cold conditions inside their homes.

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Meet Domingo

Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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