The Truck Accident Attorneys at the Law Office of Domingo Garcia were able to settle this serious 18-Wheeler Truck accident case for $350,000. After all medical bills, and our legal fee, the client went home with a check for $142,663.
Regardless the size of the truck involved in your accident we can all agree that any automobile collisions can potentially leave you hurt, injured, traumatize or in some cases, even fatal. However, with over 35 years of practicing personal injury law attorney Domingo Garcia has noticed that these larger more devastating commercial truck accidents generally include 18 wheelers.
We understand being a victim to any large commercial truck accident is an extremely scary and difficult time. For anyone to have to go through this without any guidance is what insurance companies want. To take advantage, down play your injuries and pay you as little as possible. However, Domingo Garcia firmly believes in equal justice for all and this is why we offer FREE consultations and medical treatment while we investigate your accident and until we win your case!
If you, a loved one or anyone that you know has been seriously hurt in an 18 wheeler accident gives us a call. Even if you don’t decide to go with our law firm we will make sure to answer all your questions FREE of charge. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us today to set up an appointment.
It goes without saying that the majority of people are hesitant when it comes to hiring an 18 wheeler accident lawyer because they are afraid that they cannot afford it. In fact, most do not know that there are not upfront charges or costs. Attorney Domingo Garcia offers a complete confidential, and FREE consultation to anyone who has been involved in any sort of accident. Whether it’s a motor vehicle accident, truck accident, slip and fall, injured on the job and any injury related accident you don’t pay a single dollar until we win!
We realize you have questions and we have answers. The Law Office of Domingo Garcia has over 35 years of experience negotiating with trucking and insurance companies, demanding full and fair compensations for all damages sustained. Stay informed. Know your rights. Call now for your FREE consultation and learn how we will make sure your medical costs are covered!
Truck accident cases are undoubtedly the most complex and complicated area of practice within personal injury law. Even so, that many firms whom state they can help you with your accident case actually can’t! This is because they are not properly equipped with the and experience to go toe-to-toe with these large insurance companies, that they ultimately refer your case to another attorney who is. Fortunately, by hard work, dedication and over 35 years of experience Attorney Domingo Garcia is well trained and prepared to handle your case from the beginning to the very end. Not only do we have the years of experience but we have been recognized and awarded through the years as a well established and respected law firm state wide. We are here to help, you are not alone!
We don’t stop there! We are not afraid to go to court and take insurance companies to trial if we feel in any way that they are not offering fair compensation to you, our client. Recently the Law Office of Domingo Garcia was recognized and earned a spot in the Texas Top 50 Settlements for 2019. One of our more recent victories came from a wrongful-death accident related-crash where we recovered $4 Million dollars for our client in 2019.
Needless to say, we are a specialized law firm in truck accidents. The Law Office of Domingo Garcia has risen to be respected by insurance companies throughout all of Texas.
So why should you choose the Law Office of Domingo Garcia? Well that’s simple. You will have a lawyer and firm who will strongly stand their ground and demand fair compensation against large insurance companies, a lawyer who has spent over 35 years protecting the rights of victims who have been injured in truck accidents. Truck accident attorneys who provides FREE consultations and medical treatment to anyone whom has been hurt in an accident until the case is won. Choosing Attorney Domingo Garcia will guarantee that you are surrounded by the most highly trained, qualified and prestigious legal team that will ensure every policy limit is explored and exhausted for all of our clients. Let us help you! So call us today for your FREE consultation.
- FREE consultations: A large percentage of people who have gotten into a car accident do not know what follows. Domingo Garcia offers free consultations to people who have just been in a wreck. Yes, you read that right “FREE CONSULTATIONS”. If you have been recently injured call us now. We will answer all your questions and if we can’t help you we will point you to the right attorney who can.
- FREE Medical treatment: Some car accidents are minor and some are more severe. However, we treat every accident the same. We make the health and well-being of our clients the #1 priority. We understand that every collision makes take a toll on your body differently but do not take any chances. After hiring Domingo Garcia, we make sure the client are seen by a health specialist immediately and begin their road to recovery. You do not pay for a single medical bill until the case is won.
- Property Damages: After your accident, if your car is not operable and is in the shop to be fixed. We have a team of specialist who solely dedicate their time to guarantee the insurance company are held responsible for all damages, fix your car and get you into a rental. We worry about this so you can focus on getting better.
- Pain and suffering: Truth of the matter is no one is ever the same after a car accident. The majority of those who were involved in a wreck usually are hurting and need medical treatment. However, Domingo Garcia just doesn’t stop there. He make’s sure the insurance companies and their driver are held accountable for any suffering that follows not just for the physical injuries but for psychological ones as well. After an accident, people tend to suffer from PTSD from the collision. Domingo Garcia doesn’t just settle on the first offer he makes sure to get you every dollar that is rightfully owed.
In a collision between a truck and a car, there is a lot of physics at work, but you don’t need to be a scientist to know the outcome. Although speed can play a major factor in any accident, an accident between two objects of such different sizes even at low speeds can be catastrophic for the car. If you have been involved in an accident with a truck, you do not even need to read the rest of this to know about the potential damages and injuries that can occur.
Semi collisions will typically cause drivers of passenger cars to suffer increased injuries, permanent disabilities, or even death in the event of an accident. Our truck crash legal team is well-versed in the laws pertaining to truck safety, liability, and insurance negotiations, making it possible for you to focus on healing rather than on legal details. We keep you informed throughout the entire process, helping you to understand your rights and maximize your compensation. If you have been injured in a truck crash or if you have lost a loved one in a commercial truck accident, contact the Law Office of Domingo Garcia today.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), is charged with collecting and analyzing data involving truck accidents in all 50 states. According to a recent report, 4,951 trucks weighing more than 10,000 pounds were involved in fatal crashes in 2018, which is an increase over the previous year. Singles (truck tractors pulling a single semi-trailer) accounted for 59 percent of the large trucks involved in fatal crashes in 2017.
In 2018 there were an estimated 151,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks—an increase of 2 percent from an estimated 148,000 in 2017. Seventy-one percent of people killed in large truck crashes in 2018 were occupants of other vehicles.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 98 percent of all semi-truck accidents result in one or more fatalities, and tractor-trailer accidents are responsible for more than $20 billion in damages each year.
When it comes to commercial trucks as a larger classification, the average truck accident results in about $59,200 in damage, and 90 percent of these accidents are caused or made worse by human error.
The types of accidents that can occur with trucks are quite varied from the accidents that automobiles can cause. Following are some of the common types of truck accidents:
- Jackknife – When a tractor-trailer stops suddenly, the trailer can swings out to the side, impacting with other vehicles.
- Load drop – Cargo on trucks that is inadequately secured may come loose and spill onto the roadway or other vehicles.
- Rollover – Truck drivers sometimes lose control of their vehicles, and they tip onto one side or roll from one side to another.
- Blind spots – Trucks have large blind spots that block a driver’s view of the road and other vehicles.
Filing a claim, collecting evidence of a crash, proving fault, and gaining fair compensation are the major aspects of every truck crash case. However, each of these factors can be exceedingly challenging for someone without any legal experience. By finding a skilled and experienced lawyer, you can have someone who will craft your case while you focus on recovering from injuries.
At the Law Office of Domingo Garcia, P.C., our team of truck accident attorneys have helped numerous victims recover from their severe losses by holding truckers and trucking companies responsible for the accidents they cause. To find out more about your potential case and how we may be able to help you, call 214-941-8300 for a no-cost consultation.
We cannot begin processing your claim until after we have received all of the doctor’s reports stating exactly what your medical condition is and your long-term prognosis. In other words, until you have reached “maximum medical improvements.” If we try to settle your case before your medical condition is stabilized, you may lose money that you might be entitled to for a condition that did not show up until after your case was settled.
It is important to know that your case will not be settled until the damages have been determined and all investigations to determine who is liable have been completed. It generally takes several months to gather the necessary information. If a trial becomes necessary, it can take several years to complete a case. One of the most difficult requests we make of you is to have patience. We will work as hard and fast as possible to settle your case quickly.