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Dallas I-45 Accident Lawyer

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If you or a loved one had a car accident, truck accident, or other accident on Interstate 45, your entire family may be feeling the effects. These collisions can be severe, often resulting in severe injuries and long-term medical needs. However, our firm can help to lessen the impact of the incident by pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit on your behalf.

One of our personal injury lawyers can recover your damages from the driver or another at-fault party, which will help to lessen the financial impact of the accident. Your lawyer can also help you or your injured loved one find medical care. During your free consultation, we’ll tell you what you can expect from your Dallas I-45 accident lawyer.

What Damages Can I Pursue in My Dallas I-45 Accident Case?

In the Dallas-Houston area, Interstate 45 is a strong contender for the most dangerous interchange. Several sources, including Popular Mechanics, have named I-45 the most deadly road in North America, and for good reason. Traffic congestion, drunk drivers, and inattention on the road are the main contributors to high accident frequency.

A catastrophic or fatal accident can be devastating for a victim and their family. As a result of your accident, you and your family may be struggling in a number of ways. We can help you recover compensation for your losses and your personal suffering.

Common recoverable accident damages include:

  • The pain you’re experiencing
  • The inconvenience and pain associated with a disabling injury, such as a lost limb or spinal injury
  • Disfigurement or scarring
  • Mental and emotional suffering
  • Psychological trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Bills related to medical treatment, such as emergency care, hospital care, and medications
  • Bills related to personal property, including the cost of a replacement vehicle
  • Losses related to your income and employment benefits

You May Be Able to Pursue Wrongful Death Damages

You may have lost your loved one in the accident. If this is the case, we are sorry for your loss. You deserve justice, closure, and a return of your financial stability.

You or your family’s personal representative can pursue wrongful death damages on behalf of your loved one and the rest of your family. Such damages could include the following:

  • Mental and emotional suffering of the surviving family members
  • Loss of love, support, and services provided by your loved one
  • Lost income and inheritance

How Will a Dallas I-45 Accident Lawyer Fight for My Damages?

If you hire a lawyer from our firm, we will help you identify and find proof of all of your damages, including any intangible damages you might struggle to place a financial value on. Evidence of your damages could include testimony from your doctor, friends, and family. 

Your lawyer will also identify the party or parties who are liable for your damages, whether it’s a driver, multiple drivers, the city government, or another entity. To do this, we may seek out other evidence like accident reconstruction services.

To recover your damages, our team will:

  • Prepare an insurance claim with a list of all of your damages
  • Serve your claim to the liable party’s insurance company
  • Establish the party’s liability by showing how they owed you a duty of care to drive responsibly and breached that duty with poor driving behavior
  • Negotiate with the insurer for a settlement that covers your damages
  • Fight back against any tactics insurers often use to diminish an injured person’s damages 
  • Take your case to court, if necessary

Your Lawyer Can Also Sue for Your Damages

If negotiations with the insurer don’t work out, your lawyer can pursue a lawsuit. If your case takes this direction, we will:

  • Prepare your lawsuit for you
  • Build a strong case to support your claims
  • Present your lawsuit to a judge or jury
  • Demand a fair verdict
  • Represent you in court proceedings
  • Track and meet filing deadlines

How do I Choose a Car Crash Lawyer in Dallas?

A lawyer from our firm can provide the kind of representation you deserve to recover your losses and move forward with your life.

We have decades of experience resolving cases like yours and fighting for clients like you. Many of our cases involve clients with catastrophic injuries, lost loved ones, and severe property damage. Our firm has the experience and skills to guide your case toward a positive outcome.

In addition, our team gets results. We’ve recovered many millions of dollars for clients, including over $8.7 million for a victim of an 18-wheeler truck accident. Our lead attorney, Domingo Garcia, also received recognition in the Texas Top 50 Settlements for 2019. We want to use this same drive, experience, and passion for a positive outcome in your case, too.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents on I-45 in Dallas

Car, motorcycle, and truck accidents are all common occurrences on I-45, but the nature of the highway lends itself to a few specific kinds of accidents.

Rear-End Collisions

Due to traffic congestion and improper following distances, rear-end collisions are quite common on highways. At high speeds, these can cause serious head and neck injuries (among other health problems).

Accidents Resulting from Truck Driver Negligence

I-45 covers several hundred miles of our great state. As a result, companies have no choice but to use this route to transport goods. Unfortunately, collisions with commercial trucks can result in devastating losses for passengers in smaller vehicles. They may experience jackknifes, underride accidents, blowouts, and more. In these instances, a Dallas truck accident lawyer on your side can help you get the compensation you deserve in this type of accident. 

Improper Lane Change Accidents

Both high speeds and bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-45 can lead to frustrated drivers leaving their lanes without checking over their shoulders. These kinds of reckless actions can lead to serious injuries, especially for vulnerable motorcycle riders who may be more difficult to spot.

Whatever type of accident you experienced, we want to hear about your needs and losses. If someone else caused your crash, you deserve compensation.

Get Help from a Dallas I-45 Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one had an accident on Interstate 45, the lawyers at Domingo Garcia can recover damages from the driver or possibly even the city. These damages will help you and your family recover financially and emotionally.

We can tell you more during a free consultation. If you decide to hire one of our Dallas I-45 accident lawyers, your attorney will work for you with no upfront costs. To speak with us for free, contact us today.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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