Dallas Work Zone Accident Lawyer

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Dallas Work Zone Accident Lawyer
Construction areas are dangerous enough without people acting recklessly. Whether due to a worker or another driver’s negligence, if you were hurt while driving near a construction site, a Dallas work zone accident lawyer from Domingo Garcia can step in. We’ll investigate, negotiate, and fight for your fair compensation.

Our Dallas Work Zone Accident Attorneys Will Help You Find Answers

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident in a construction zone can make seeking compensation especially confusing. You can bring our Dallas car accident lawyers questions like:

  • What circumstances in the work zone contributed to the crash?
  • Is another driver or the construction company liable?
  • When and how should I file an insurance claim?
  • What should I say to an insurance adjuster or company representative?
  • What losses are eligible for compensation in a work zone accident?
  • When and how should I file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit?
  • What is the deadline for filing a lawsuit in Texas?
  • How can you demonstrate negligence in a work zone accident case?
  • How can I receive medical care while waiting for a settlement or win?

When addressing these issues, we’ll put them in the context of your specific case. For instance, whether you should file a lawsuit might depend on whether the insurance company operates in bad faith. 

We can work to answer these questions and more with a personalized evaluation. It’s free to ask—our firm’s initial consultations are available at no charge.

Our Track Record

At Domingo Garcia, we have experience handling cases relating to construction work sites. On our settlements page, you can find several multi-million-dollar recoveries for work zone or construction site accidents. 

Our Dallas work zone accident lawyers are familiar with how construction sites should operate and what types of negligence are common. Combined with our experience in roadway accidents, we can utilize our knowledge to investigate what caused your injuries. 

Our Lawyers Can Hold Dallas Drivers or Construction Companies Liable

To narrow down who should pay your damages, Domingo Garcia’s work zone accident lawyers in Dallas can assemble and analyze the following:

  • Traffic cameras or dashcam video
  • Bystander testimony, photos, and video
  • Construction worker testimony
  • Employment and training records
  • Police reports and citations
  • Photos and debris from the scene
  • Accident evaluation and reconstruction
  • Expert testimony 
  • Phone, text, or social media records

Once we start gathering evidence, we can know what to investigate further. For example, if an eyewitness said they saw a driver on their phone, we can investigate the driver’s social media to see if they were on Facebook or Instagram at the time of the accident. 

Likewise, if falling debris hit you, we can investigate the construction company’s safety equipment and training. We can even consider past safety violations to identify a pattern of negligence. 

How We Prove Driver Negligence

When driving through a work zone, drivers must follow traffic flow, slow down, and pay attention. In contrast, evidence might point to a driver:

  • Driving too fast for road conditions
  • Ignoring signs or cones
  • Improperly changing lanes
  • Driving distracted or aggressively
  • Failing to follow directions

These behaviors violate a duty of care, providing you the basis for seeking damages for an injury. For example, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding can make it harder to control a vehicle, requires longer stopping distances, and often leads to accidents with more severe injuries. We can therefore connect this form of negligence to several accident consequences. 

How We Prove Construction Company Negligence

Just as drivers must exercise care in a work zone, construction companies must mitigate risk. Examples of company negligence include:  

  • Lack of direction for traffic
  • Failure to take safety precautions
  • Roadway defects or obstructions
  • Failure to post signs or cones
  • Difficult-to-see signs or warnings
  • Inadequate training for workers
  • Negligent hiring practices 
  • Unsecured equipment 
  • Failure to maintain machinery 

A fault may lie with both the company and another driver. In some cases, the construction company alone is responsible, even if you collided with another vehicle. For example, if another driver swerved to avoid falling debris and hit you, both drivers might be able to hold the construction company liable. Unclear signage might also cause collisions. 

Since these scenarios can get complicated, bring your concerns to our work site car accident attorneys. We aren’t afraid to pursue compensation from multiple parties. 

Work Zone Accident Injury Damages

Construction area accidents have the potential to injure victims severely. For instance, falling objects can cause crushing injuries. Malfunctioning equipment can cause fires or explosions, resulting in burns. 

Whatever you suffered, our Dallas work zone injury attorneys will work to recover compensation that covers your losses from beginning to end, including:

  • Emergency treatment 
  • Rehabilitation and recuperation expenses
  • Medical equipment and at-home help
  • Past and future income losses
  • Disability or disfigurement
  • Mental health expenses
  • Chronic pain management costs
  • Reduced capacity to earn
  • Pain and suffering

Even if you didn’t suffer catastrophic injuries, you could still receive damages for the impact on your life. In fact, you may experience more consequences than you expected. For example, low-speed rear-end collisions can still cause whiplash, according to Florida Atlantic University (FAU), and you could experience a lowered quality of life for years after such an injury. 

Allow yourself time to grasp the extent of your losses and chart a path to recovery with your doctor. We can work with your care team and other experts to negotiate for appropriate damages.

Compensation for Fatal Work Zone Accidents

If the work zone car accident claimed your loved one’s life, we can work to recover what this experience cost you, such as:

  • Emergency care services
  • Hospital stays 
  • End-of-life expenses
  • Funeral services
  • Burial or cremation costs
  • The deceased’s lost income

Those are just financial costs. Losing a loved one cost far more, and we seek to acknowledge:

  • The deceased’s pain and suffering
  • Your pain and suffering
  • Loss of parental guidance
  • Loss of spousal support and intimacy

Let us coordinate everything with your wrongful death case while you and your family process your grief. 

Learn How Our Dallas Work Zone Injury Lawyers Can Help You Today

Per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003, Texas typically allows two years to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. However, this timeline can vary based on specific circumstances, so don’t wait to learn more. Contact Domingo Garcia today and learn more about how the Dallas to work zone accident lawyer can help you.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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