Uno de mis abogados con experiencia en accidentes revisará su caso de inmediato. Gratis.

Home » Uno de mis abogados con experiencia en accidentes revisará su caso de inmediato. Gratis.

car accident attorney | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

Los accidentes de auto ocurren, si usted está en un accidente menor, aún podría terminar con lesiones graves y costosas. A veces, cuando estamos en un accidente, estamos más preocupados por nuestro automóvil y el daño a nuestro vehículo que por nuestra propia salud. Si se va con solo rasguños menores, es importante que no ignore cualquier dolor y molestia, ya que generalmente son una señal de algo más grave.

Si ha estado en un accidente automovilístico, es importante buscar un abogado con experiencia en accidentes de auto de inmediato. Necesita un abogado que sepa protejer los derechos de las víctimas de lesiones.

Importante: Busque tratamiento médico inmediatamente después de un accidente auto

En Texas, la cobertura de Protección contra Lesiones Personales (Personal Injury Protection o PIP en ingles) es obligatoria para la mayoría de los conductores. Bajo su cobertura de seguro PIP, incluso si el accidente de auto fue su culpa, aún estaría cubierto por sus costos y gastos médicos. La mejor manera de mostrarle a un juez o jurado que usted toma en serio su salud es buscando tratamiento médico inmediatamente después de su accidente.

Los síntomas de la lesión después de un accidente de auto pueden variar mucho dependiendo del tipo de accidente; ¿Estuvo en un accidente con golpe del guardabarros, un accidente de camión de 18 ruedas, un accidente de t-bone o un choque de intersección? Sus síntomas pueden desarrollarse inmediatamente después de su accidente, o dentro de unos días o incluso semanas. Algunos de los clientes del abogado Domingo García que estuvieron en accidentes de auto no sintieron ningún síntoma hasta que su situación se convirtió en una emergencia. Es fácil pensar que todo está bien cuando en realidad puede estar sufriendo lesiones internas, latigazo cervical o incluso una TBI.

El abogado Domingo García envía a todos sus clientes a un médico de lesiones personales de confianza. Incluso en un accidente de auto de bajo impacto, aún puede dañar su disco o pellizcar un nervio en la parte baja de la espalda. Si espera demasiado tiempo para recibir tratamiento, es posible que termine pagando sus propios costos médicos, de su bolsillo, en los años venideros.

What NOT to Do After a Car Accident

Attorney Domingo Garcia thinks it is important for every injury victim to know their rights. We all react differently to a car accident, especially if we have a passenger in the car or little kids. It is a frightening experience, especially if you are a victim of a roll-over accident or other multi-car collision. Here are some common mistakes injury victims make that could cost you in your car accident claim:

Admitting Blame: It is a natural reaction for some of us, we just feel the need to be apologetic, even if our intention is not to admit guilt. You have probably been taught by someone that, after a car accident, you should just exchange information with the other driver and handle the situation on your own. This advice will really hurt your pocket-book and your health in the long-term as many car accident injuries do not present themselves for weeks after a car accident. Even if you believe you are partly at fault, do not admit blame to anyone.

Not Reporting Your Accident: You were in a small fender-bender, maybe your family car was T-boned in a shopping center. You get out of the car and assess the damage, you think everything is okay so you just exchange information with the other driver and go on your way. Unfortunately, if you have injuries that only present days or weeks after your car accident, you will be hard pressed to find witnesses and actually document your car crash. Always call the police after your car accident, you can even call the non-emergency police line if you think your car accident is not serious.

Accepting an Early Settlement: Your car insurance company will typically use a, “my way or the highway” approach to pressure you to settle your car insurance claim. They take this approach with all car accident injury victims, even their own insurers. They want you to right away accept a settlement that is far below what they need to truly offer you. You never want to sign anything without first speaking to an experienced car accident attorney.

Why Should I Hire Attorney Domingo Garcia After a Car Accident

If you hire a personal injury attorney you will receive more compensation than someone who does not hire a car accident attorney. An attorney will know how to build your case to show the insurance company the true extent of your damages, and how much money will need to be recovered. A good personal injury attorney will not be afraid to go up against the biggest insurance companies, and most importantly, be willing to fight for you.

We offer all car accident injury victims a free consultation. If you were injured in your accident we will work with your insurance company to make sure you do not pay a penny out-of-pocket until your car accident claim is settled. We will ensure you get free medical care, so the only thing you need to focus on is your health (and documenting your recovery!)

With five offices located throughout Texas —Dallas, Houston, Tyler, Fort Worth and Odessa—our car accident lawyers are available to you 24/7, whenever you need help.

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Attorney Domingo Garcia has 5 Offices in Texas – Call Us 24/7

Dallas, TX
1111 W. Mockingbird Lane, Suite #1200
Dallas, TX 75247

Houston, TX
12929 Gulf Freeway, Suite #101
Houston, Texas 77034

Tyler, TX
510 South Southwest Loop 323, Suite #330
Tyler, TX 75702

Odessa, TX
601 East 2nd Street, Suite A
Odessa, TX 79761

Fort Worth, TX
2237 Hemphill Street, Ft. Worth
TX 76110

Do I have a Limited Time to File a Claim After my Car Accident?

In Texas the law is pretty clear on this, however you should definitely request a free consultation to discuss your specific situation. You should have your car accident case reviewed to find out if you are over the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in Texas.

In order to file a lawsuit for benefits after a car accident you need to file your claim within two-years of the date of the accident. This applies to lawsuits filed by pedestrians, passengers, drivers, motorcyclists, and bicyclists who were injured in a car accident. If you were just in an accident this may seem like a lot of time, but just remember documenting and gathering usable evidence will be harder as time passes by.

While you focus on your health you should contact our experienced car accident lawyers so we can start building your case file, and avoid missing any critical deadlines. Our attorneys provide a free consultation and review of your case. We will help you pick the best legal path for you and your family. Contact us today.

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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