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The Hill: “Latino Civil Rights Group Sues Over New Iowa Voting Law”

Home » The Hill: “Latino Civil Rights Group Sues Over New Iowa Voting Law”

attorney | Domingo Garcia Law Firm

We are stronger as a nation when we make voting more accessible to people. The recent growing number of bills being introduced in State legislatures around the country is very alarming, and something attorney Domingo Garcia is especially passionate about.

In Iowa, in response to one of these bills, LULAC has filed a lawsuit. In the lawsuit they state that this bill would be unconstitutional and make it harder for people to actually vote. We have been advocating for more voting protections, more polling places and things that would actually help make voting more accessible. Let’s keep fighting the good fight across Texas!

The Voter Suppression Bill imposes unjustified burdens on lawful Iowa voters

The Hill
By Jordan Williams

LULAC National President and CEO Domingo Garcia told The Hill in a brief interview that the efforts are “really reprehensible behavior that weakens our democracy and tries to dissolve the concept of one, one person, one vote.”

“We’re seeing, you know just full-blown efforts in Republican-controlled states to limit the right of people to vote,” Garcia said. “It’s something you expect in third world countries, not the United States.”

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    Meet Domingo

    Attorney Domingo Garcia has led an active civic, legal and political career. He was born in Midland, Texas and grew up in Dallas, Texas. He received his B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Texas in 1980.

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